Produce That You Will Be Proud to Put Your Name On.
The private label and custom packaging services of Procacci Brothers will provide you with the products that best suit your needs. Our state-of-the-art processing equipment efficiently re-packages and labels produce into today’s most popular styles. Grading, sizing, and our innovative packaging helps eliminate shrink and reduce back-room labor costs to maximize your profitability.

Our Custom Packaging & Your Label
- Your name on the freshest, best-tasting produce
- Size customization and inventive packaging
- Sustainable packaging
- Build prestige for your store
- More customer recognition of your brand
- Increased customer loyalty
Private labeling and packaging allow you to market consistent top-quality fruits and vegetables with your own label for optimum brand recognition – and brand loyalty.
Produce from Procacci Brothers is the freshest premium quality and best tasting you can find. We proudly put our name and reputation on it – and so can you.
Your label on our produce builds customer satisfaction – and profits.

Contact Us
(215) 463-8000
3333 S Front St.
Philadelphia, PA 19148